Dr. Jerry Chaddick

Doctrinal Statement

I believe strongly in the inerrancy, authority, and sufficiency of Scripture found in God’s Word, the Bible. I believe that, as II Timothy 3:16 states, “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,” and that it is “profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” I therefore seek to live my life and conduct my ministry in accordance with the Word of God. I fully endorse and subscribe to the doctrines outlined in the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.

Biographical Highlights

- Born in DeRidder, LA, on November 25, 1972, as the youngest of four children
- Married to wife, Julie, in 1994
- Son, Luke, born in 2002
- Daughter, Keeley, born in 2005
- Licensed to the Gospel Ministry at Temple Baptist Church in DeRidder, LA, on June 10, 1991
- Ordained to the Gospel Ministry at Temple Baptist Church in DeRidder, LA, on July 12, 1992
- Earned a Bachelor of Science in Religion from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia
- Earned a Masters and Doctorate of Theology from Andersonville Theological Seminary in Camilla, Georgia

Dr. Jerry Chaddick has the heart of both an evangelist and a pastor. For the first thirteen years of his ministry, the Lord afforded him the privilege of pastoring churches in Louisiana, Mississippi, and North Carolina, while presenting him with opportunities to preach various revivals and church meetings. During the next ten years of his ministry, the Lord called him to be a full-time evangelist who, along the way, planted three churches.

Bro. Jerry is best known for his uncompromising commitment to preaching the Word of God and his expositional style characterized by a clear, concise, explanation of scripture with a down-to-earth delivery.


I was raised in church. At the age of 21, I - through the convicting power of the Holy Spirit - came to realize salvation required more than the head knowledge I possessed. I repented, prayed to receive Christ as my Lord and Savior, and followed Him in believer’s baptism. Since that time the Lord has richly blessed me with a Godly wife and partner in the ministry, a precious family, a calling to the ministry, and many opportunities to share the Gospel of Christ.