
Text 'OUTREACH' to 936-410-4449
to become a part

Start blessing every home today!

What is Outreach?

The vision of MIMS is as highlighted by the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). We not only have the authority but also the obligation to reach out to a lost and dying world with the good news of Jesus Christ. To accomplish the objective of making disciples we must first have a game-plan. At MIMS,  we organize ourselves to fulfill the Great Commission through Outreach by building meaningful relationships with members of our community and in our neighborhoods. We invite you to join us for our next Outreach night and begin to impact your community for Christ! Become a part today by texting 'OUTREACH' to 936-410-4449!

Next Outreach: TBD

Guest bags available in the Family Life Center at 5 PM

The goal of Outreach is to visit folks in our community in order to personally greet and invite our new friends to Sunday Worship, plus we'll share a free gift bag as a way of saying "Welcome to the Mims Family!" Additionally, we will provide instructions and help in any way we can in order to set our members up for success in reaching as many souls as possible--- we look forward to seeing YOU there!

"Another entry into God’s history book for His children… I Interacted with 3 residents. After I introduced myself as a member of Mims,
they were all very friendly. I told them Jesus loves you, we love you, and you are invited and would be welcomed."

- Outreach Volunteer #1

"Our grandson Cade (age 7) joined us. He did NOT want to “stop and drop”! He was ready to knock on doors and visit with people."

- Outreach Volunteer #2

“It was a good night! We had a new church member on our team that showed up so full of life and so energetic…
it was a joy…God is good and He’s doing a new thing in our midst… that’s truly exciting!”

- Outreach Volunteer #3